Welcome to The Flavorful Journey!

Published by Alyssa on

Hey! My name is Alyssa. 

I am a gluten-free college student who learned how to cook a few years ago, and now it’s a huge passion of mine. I am by no means an artistic person, but my creativity starts in the kitchen. 

I fell in love with cooking about two years ago, when I was told I can no longer eat gluten. The next day, I found myself in a food court with zero options for lunch. I was so upset with myself and my body for not being able to eat the same foods everybody else could. For about two months, I hated looking for something to eat, because all of my favorite foods were under the category of “You cannot eat this anymore.” 

I spent a lot of time in denial, hoping I’d somehow find a way to cheat the system and eat my old favorites again. I tried telling myself, “Maybe just one bite won’t hurt,” but my body quickly reminded me that, yep, one bite would hurt. 

This was when I decided I should learn how to cook. After all, I was going to have a kitchen at school this year, so why not use it? There were no options for me in the dining hall anyway.  

This was when my cooking journey began, and I was the epitome of a beginner. Let me give you some examples: 

Once, I wanted to have my leftover pasta for breakfast, so I put it in the microwave…with the tin foil lid on. It caught on fire. Sorry Mom! 

For about six months, I would use a butter knife to cut my food. Imagine trying to cut carrots, chicken, apples, steak (yes, steak) with a dinky butter knife. I was rivaling Kendall Jenner and her cucumber. 

Mixing up baking soda and baking powder was a very common occurrence. Instead of making food, I did science experiments. This is when I got great at cleaning up after cooking. 

I cut a block of Velveeta cheese in half and put it on my macaroni because I thought that’s what you were supposed to do. It tasted awful. 

This goes to show that if I can learn to cook, anyone can. 

Through trial and error, I not only learned how to create recipes that suited my new lifestyle but also found joy in experimenting and sharing meals with others. I learned how to meal prep and make accommodations to recipes to fit my lifestyle. Now, I find it to be one of my biggest passions.  

I used to be an extremely picky eater. I wouldn’t eat seafood, try new meals, or eat anything that didn’t look “right”. I quickly realized that being picky was no longer an option, and it was a huge blessing. At first, my gluten-free journey felt like a never-ending list of “no”—no pizza, no pasta, no bagels. But learning to cook helped me flip that mindset. Instead of focusing on what I couldn’t have, I started focusing on all the delicious things I could make. Surprisingly, one of those things is salmon. 

I discovered that gluten-free food isn’t just about replacing what’s missing—it’s about getting creative. I started experimenting with almond flour, chickpea pasta, and homemade sauces. I found joy in discovering ways to make my favorite comfort foods without the gluten. 

I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned to help others who may feel as lost as I once did in the kitchen. My blog will provide simple, approachable recipes, tips for meal prepping, and resources for living a gluten-free lifestyle—all while fostering a sense of community and inclusivity.  

I also want to show you that cooking is fun! There’s a reason people find it so therapeutic. If the recipe isn’t going your way, you can always pivot. The best part about cooking is that you never have to follow the recipe exactly- that’s why I’m terrible at baking. 

Whether you’re gluten-free by necessity or just looking for new recipes to try, I want this blog to be a place where you feel welcomed. 

The most important lesson I have learned throughout my journey so far is to savor every step- all of the (literal) blood, sweat, and tears I have put into my dishes have taught me more than I ever thought was possible in the kitchen; most importantly, patience, focus, and creativity. Don’t worry, I will also show you my tips and tricks to stay cool, calm, and collected. I no longer pour tears and sweat (and only sometimes blood) into my meals. 

I hope my passion project will serve as a supportive resource and community for you, whether you’re gluten-free by necessity, just looking for new recipes to try, or just looking to find some new tricks in the kitchen! 

Categories: My Stories